About Me

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Dreaming of Africa
I am married, a lifelong musician, somewhat competent photographer, and world traveler. Having been around for over 60 years, I have lots of "stuff" floating around inside my head that is screaming to get out.


All photos and text on this blog are copyright 2008-2010 Norman Arnett, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. All content not owned is used with permission and is also protected by copyright.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Early Risers

One of the effects of our very mild winter is any early start to the many blooms in our yard.
Five of our Rhododendrons started blooming weeks ago, and unfortunately were hit by a few cold nights and have already lost their flowers.
Many other plants have now taken their place.

I love the color that is popping up around us, and am thankful that we have not had the snows and harsh weather that the eastern part of the country have suffered this winter.

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