The deaths of four celebrities this past week, gives us a chance to explore mortality, and as Dick Martin of "Laugh In" used to say ' The Fickle Finger of Fate". What is the reason that some leave this world in sudden unexpected ways, while others hold on to life for as long as they are able? Why do we wage wars, which snatch the breath of life from so many young people?
I have no answers, but then maybe we're not supposed to have the answers. Maybe our lot is to question the unexplained, and life's little mysteries . Without the quest for answers, the great leaps of science and technology would not have taken place, without the searches of areas unknown, we wouldn't know about our earth, our solar system, and the vast space beyond.
Maybe we're meant to question, look in awe upon the little things, and just enjoy the ride.
"Live Long and Prosper"
Vulcan Salute