We made it home. What an amazing journey, though we both are running on empty after our 26 hour flight home. After I get adjusted to Pacific time, I will start sorting through the photos and share some of the highlights of our trip. In the meantime, before I fall back to sleep, I will give you an idea of a few of the things we experienced.
We participated in a bush walk, luckily with two heavily armed rangers, and were fortunate to find two male lions, and watch them disappear into the bush from about 50 feet.

I learned to drive quickly in reverse for over 150 yards (137 metres) while attempting to get out of the way of a very large Elephant bull walking down the road.
(Photos to follow)
We had the rare fortune of seeing 8 Cheetah all at the same time - a mother and her 5 cubs at her fresh kill were intimidated out of the kill by two male Cheetah, while we watched from 100 feet (30 metres) or less.

More to come later, must sleep and cuddle with the Tortie clan!