Wise beyond her years, an even keel, Dora Jean, an elder in our Torti Clan left us today after a short battle with Heart Disease. She will be missed by all those who knew her, her passing so profound that the skies opened and cried a torrent.

Loved by her Torti sisters, Dora Jean was the cat that everyone respected and looked to. She made it a point to supervise all of our projects, checking our work to ensure that it was done correctly.
Building our deck two summers ago was quite an undertaking, yet Dora Jean was right there, making sure all was correct. When she took a break it was to roll in the dust under the deck, coming out completely covered.
Though suffering for a number of years from arthritis and a Herpes infection in her eyes, Dora Jean was our rock, always there to give encouragement, and to snuggle up against us on cold winter nights.
Her almost constant shadow was Hana, one of our feral sisters, who thought the world of Dora Jean. Hana would almost smother Dora Jean, and most definitely encroached on her personal space. Dora Jean would put up with her clinging to a point, then it was one loud hiss, and off she would go, with Hana following behind, giving Dora Jean breathing room and little more space until she felt it safe to attach herself again to Dora Jean’s side.
We are convinced that Dora Jean has been here on earth many times, learning and sharing joy, love and her sense of humor with all who have crossed her path. Tricia and I feel as though a part of us has gone, but will never be forgotten. We will step into tomorrow’s light, holding Dora Jean in our hearts and minds forever.
Dora Jean – rest your weary bones, and open those eyes that no longer hurt. Run to chase a blowing leaf, or stop to smell the flowers. Know that our lives are much better for having been fortunate enough to have shared our place on earth with an Old Soul named Dora Jean.