While in South Africa we saw this sign at
Tembe Elephant park and had to get our picture taken with it.
After posing, we were told that they are protected by the government, and that a few species of Dung Beetle are endangered because of vehicles.
I was very impressed with the measures that South Africa takes to protect it's wildlife (which also helps the tourism trade).
I am also happy that our new President signed into law The Omnibus Public Lands Management Act, which gave 26 million acres of government land the full protection it needs. Most of the 850 protected areas are largely unknown to most Americans, but include areas like the Missouri Breaks in Montana, the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation area, and Nevada's Black Rock Desert, known to some as the home of the Burning Man Festival. He is undergoing a baptism of fire, but to me our new President is the real deal, a man of his word, and the right person to move us forward while returning our country to a more respected position among the world's countries.
For the Dung Beetles it's life as usual, rolling balls of dung and trying to avoid being squashed by car tires. We all have our work to do, and there are times we all feel like we are dung beetles, pushing poop from one place to the other in order to survive. Too bad we don't get
the right of way in our lives too!